Frequently Asked Questions2023-02-08T09:17:20-06:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the District provide water quality testing?2022-12-27T21:33:45-06:00

Yes, the District can perform a basic mineral analysis, total coliform and e-coli test in our lab here at the District as well as providing collection and submission for testing to outside labs. Please contact us at 806-323-8350 with your water quality concerns or questions.

Does the District allow water to be exported or transported outside the District’s boundaries?2022-12-27T21:32:27-06:00

Yes, the District does allow water to be produced and transported outside the District boundaries. Any water produced and transported across the County line must obtain authorization and pay an Export Fee.

What is “non-exempt” use?2022-12-27T21:31:57-06:00

Non-exempt use is any other use than what is authorized by a registration. This includes domestic use where the production rate exceeds the limits established by a registration or perhaps a multi-use well. All non-exempt use wells must obtain the proper permits.

What “exempt use” requires a well to be registered?2022-12-27T21:31:29-06:00

Wells that require registrations are “exempt” from permitting either by statute or rule of the Groundwater Conservation District and are based on their “use”.

  1. Domestic well – a well, or an exploratory hole, the production from which is used solely for domestic use, and the well is drilled, completed, or equipped so that it is incapable of producing more than 50,000 gallons of groundwater a day (35 gpm) from the aquifer.
  2. Livestock well – a well, or an exploratory hole, the production from which is used solely for livestock or poultry use, and the well is on a tract of land larger than 10 acres; drilled, completed, or equipped so that it is incapable of producing more than 25,000 gallons of groundwater a day (17.4 gpm) from the aquifer.
  3. Monitoring well – a well, or an exploratory hole, installed to measure some property of the aquifer or groundwater therein, such as water quality or water level, that does not produce groundwater from the aquifer for the purpose of water supply.
  4. Rig supply well – a water well, the production from which is used solely to supply water for a rig actively engaged in drilling or exploration operations for an oil and gas well permitted by the RRC; the person holding the RRC permit is responsible for drilling and operating the well; and the well is located either on the same lease or field associated with the drilling rig.

More definitions and information on Registrations can be found in “definitions” and Chapter 5 Subchapter D of the District’s Rules.

What is a large production well?2022-12-27T21:30:01-06:00

A large production well is any well, or an exploratory hole, drilled, completed, and equipped to be capable of producing more than 288,000 gallons of groundwater a day (200 gpm) from the aquifer.

What is a small production well?2022-12-27T21:29:35-06:00

A small production well is any well, or an exploratory hole, drilled, completed, or equipped to be capable of producing equal to or less than 288,000 gallons of water a day (200 gpm) from the aquifer.

What is an existing well?2022-12-27T21:29:09-06:00

An existing well is any well that was drilled into the aquifer prior to, and in operation on June 4, 2008. For purposes of this definition, a well is in operation if groundwater is being produced from the well, or the well is equipped such that, without physical modification or alteration, the well is capable of withdrawing groundwater.

What is a new well?2022-12-27T21:28:42-06:00

A new well is any well that

(a) is to be drilled into the aquifer on or after June 4, 2008;or

(b) was drilled prior to, but not in operation on June 4, 2008 and intended by the operator to be made operational after June 4, 2008.

Do all wells have to be permitted or registered with the District?2022-12-27T21:28:05-06:00

Yes, all wells are to be registered or permitted through the District and all new wells must be registered or permitted prior to drilling.

What Aquifers are present in Hemphill County?2022-12-27T21:27:39-06:00

The primary aquifer present in Hemphill County is the Ogallala Aquifer. There are a few wells identified as having been drilled into the White Horse formation in the very far Eastern edge of Hemphill County, but the water quality is very poor in the White Horse formation.

Does the District offer Educational Programs?2022-12-27T21:27:07-06:00

Yes, the District does offer educational programs to the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade and High School students of Hemphill County as well as making various presentations to local clubs, groups and organizations. Contact us at (806) 323-8350 for more information.

How is the Hemphill County UWCD funded?2022-12-27T21:25:57-06:00

The voters of Hemphill County granted taxing authority as the primary means of funding for the District back in 1998. The voters also established a cap of 3.5 cents ($0.035) per hundred-dollar valuation. This means the District would have to hold an election to raise taxes higher than 3.5 cents per $100 value. The statutory cap for GCDs found in Chapter 36 is 50 cents ($0.50 cents) per $100 value.

What is a Desired Future Condition?2022-12-27T21:24:46-06:00

The Desired Future Condition is the desired, quantified condition of groundwater resources (such as water levels, spring flows, or volumes) within a management area at one or more specified future times in the future as defined by participating groundwater conservation districts within a groundwater management area as part of the joint planning process.

What is a Management Plan?2022-12-27T21:24:04-06:00

A management plan outlines the District’s goals and course of action to achieve those goals. The Management Plan is submitted to the State Agency called the Texas Water Development Board and they must review and certify that the District’s Plan meets the statutory requirements found in Chapter 36.

What does a Groundwater Conservation District do?2022-12-27T21:21:58-06:00

Groundwater Conservation Districts must adopt a Management Plan containing the goals and objectives of the District necessary to achieve the Desired Future Condition. GCDs must also adopt rules to implement the Management Plan and achieve the Desired Future Condition.

What statute governs a Groundwater Conservation District?2022-12-27T21:22:14-06:00

Groundwater Conservation Districts are governed primarily by Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code.

What is a Groundwater Conservation District?2022-12-27T21:20:42-06:00

Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) are local units of government. GCDs are political subdivisions of the State created to protect and balance private groundwater interests with the unique geology, hydrology, climate, recharge rates and demands of a region that can best be managed by locally elected or appointed leadership.

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